Seve Ehituse AS to build new home for boy suffering from ichthyosis in cooperation with Tartu University Hospital’s Children’s Foundation

Seve Ehituse AS to build new home for boy suffering from ichthyosis in cooperation with Tartu University Hospital’s Children’s Foundation


Seve Ehituse AS is pleased to announce that we can participate in one of the largest charity projects of all times in Estonia. Thanks to the donations made to Tartu University Hospital’s Children’s Foundation and with the support of Seve Ehituse AS and our good cooperation partners we will be able to finish the house by this autumn for Kaido and his granny who raises him. The house will have modern sanitary facilities, which is extremely important for easing the discomforts of a person suffering from ichthyosis.

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        Seve Ehituse AS

        Tallinn office
        Laki põik 2, 12915 

        Telephone: +372 6 645 843

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